Scan 300

    Scan 300 is an automatic colony counter that includes the essential features for Petri dish counting. It is specifically adapted to the usual media in food microbiology: PCA, MRS...


  • Minimum size of detected colony: 0.1 mm
  • Camera: 1 megapixel - zoom x 28
  • Couting on round Petri dishes of Ø 55 - 90 mm
  • Counting on pour, surface, Spiral, circle mode plated dishes
  • Language: English, French, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German

Counting range:Counting of pour and surface plating mode on Ø 55 - 90 mm Petri dishes.

Accuracy and repeatability: The counting of Petri dishes is long, tedious and can vary from person to person.

The Scan 300 can count up to 1000 colonies in 1 second in a constant and repeatable manner. Counting can be up to 98% accuracy. The minimum colony size is 0.1 mm.

21 CFR Part 11 included:The Scan software complies with FDA recommendations, particularly on audit trail and security of results.

The user account management, integrated in the software, allows the creation of up to 5 levels of rights. The Supervisor-Administrator has all the roles while the other roles are subject to certain rights. Password management secures user accounts.

Print of the results:All data, images, photos and results are exportable in printable reports, sca, pdf, jpg, xls, csv.


Dark Field lighting technology: Thanks to the Dark Field technology and its low lighting, colonies are easy to count. The operator does not tire his eyes.

Warranty: Scan automatic colony counters have 3-YEAR warranty (parts and labour) just by sending the warranty card back.

Applications:The Scan 300 colony counter is used in the food, environmental, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, veterinary and public institutes research.